You have made it to the final shawl! Hallelujah! Soon you too shall be the owner of quite an excellent piece of shoulder equipment. But don't count your aviaks before they've still have much work ahead. Last but most certainly not least among the skills you undertake is smithing. Happily, the reward at the end make it so very worthwhile! Enjoy the final stages of your quest!
Important Note: PLEASE read The Warning about the bug in summoning the Dain for this quest. I don't like to shove specific spoiler information on anyone, but this aspect could not possibly be working as intended and can result in a VERY nasty and unnecessary delay.
Highest Skill Trivials
- Brewing: 158 (optional)
- Jewelcraft: 182
- Smithing: 187
- Tailoring: 176
Drops to Collect
Implements to Make or Buy from PC
Ingredients to Buy From Vendor
Overview of the Recipes
Optional Recipes
- Combine in Brew Barrel: Flask of Water + Allspice + Brown Algae + Shotglass= Coldain Heater (Brewing 158)
- Combine in Mixing Bowl: Celestial Solvent + level 39+ Spell Research Component = Celestial Essence (never fails)
- Combine in Brew Barrel: Coldain Heater + 4 Celestial Essence = Coldain Velium Temper (Brewing 136)
- Combine in Forge: 3 Small Pieces of Velium + Coldain Velium Temper = Small Brick of Velium (Smithing 38)
- Combine in Forge: 3 Small Bricks of Velium + Coldain Velium Temper = Large Brick of Velium (Smithing 38)
- Combine in Forge: 3 Large Bricks of Velium + Coldain Velium Temper = Block of Velium (Smithing 38)
- Combine in Forge: 2 Small Pieces of Ore + Flask of Water = Metal Bits (Smithing 21)
- Combine in Forge: Flask of Water + Metal Bits + File Mold = File (Smithing 21)
Preparing to Craft the Armor
- Combine in Tailoring Kit: Velium Hound Fur + Silver Thread = Soft Fur Padding [No Drop](Tailoring 176)
- Combine in Forge: Large Brick of Velium + File + Coldain Velium Temper = 2 Velium Rings (Smithing <=75)
- Combine in Forge: Block of Velium + Coldain Velium Temper + Smithy Hammer= Folded Sheet of Velium (Smithing <=75)
Royal Velium Armor - all No Drop (make 2 bracers)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 1 Forge-Folded Sheet of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Plate Bracer Mold = Royal Velium Bracer (Smithing 178)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 1 Forge-Folded Sheet of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Plate Boot Mold = Royal Velium Boots (Smithing 176)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 2 Forge-Folded Sheets of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Plate Vambraces Mold = Royal Velium Vambraces (Smithing 178)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 2 Forge-Folded Sheets of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Plate Gauntlet Mold = Royal Velium Gauntlets (Smithing 178)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 2 Forge-Folded Sheets of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Plate Helm Mold = Royal Velium Helm (Smithing 178)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 3 Forge-Folded Sheets of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Breastplate Mold = Royal Velium Field Plate (Smithing 187)
- Combine in Forge: Velium Rings + 3 Forge-Folded Sheets of Velium + Soft Fur Padding + Velium Smithy Hammer + Plate Greaves Mold = Royal Velium Greaves (Smithing 187)
Faceted Gems - all No Drop
- Combine in Jewelery Kit: Unrefined Diamond + Etching Tools = Faceted Diamond (Jewelcraft 182)
- Combine in Jewelery Kit: Unrefined Emerald + Etching Tools = Faceted Emerald (Jewelcraft 171)
- Combine in Jewelery Kit: Unrefined Sapphire + Etching Tools = Faceted Sapphire (Jewelcraft 177)
Imbued Royal Velium Armor - all No Drop (make 2 bracers)
*armor and etching tools are returned upon failure*
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Bracer + Faceted Sapphire + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Bracer (Jewelcraft 177-178)
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Boots + Faceted Emerald + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Boots (Jewelcraft 178)
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Vambraces + Faceted Sapphire + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Vambraces (Jewelcraft 179)
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Gauntlets + Faceted Emerald + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Gauntlets (Jewelcraft 177-178)
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Helm + Faceted Emerald + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Helm (Jewelcraft 177-178)
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Breastplate + Faceted Diamond + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Breastplate (Jewelcraft 181-182)
- Combine in Jewelry Kit: Royal Velium Greaves + Faceted Diamond + Etching Tools = Imbued Royal Velium Greaves (Jewelcraft 181-182)
*ALERT*: READ The Warning before you give your shawl to ANY coldain associated with the Eighth Shawl. If you give your shawl to certain coldain before the Dain has been summoned, you may lose your ability to summon the Dain entirely, meaning you will have to wait for him to spawn on his own and nab him before he's killed. The (Original) and (Approved) notes throughout the NPC Text are related to this issue. See The Warning for details.
[Give Loremaster Borannin: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Original)]
Loremaster Borannin says, "Incredible! Never before has an outlander been skilled and determined enough to craft our sacred rune. You are now worthy of the Dain�s most perilous task. You should seek an audience with the Dain immediately. Show him your Runed Prayer Shawl; he will give you the task that has been prepared for you. If the Dain is away show your Shawl to Chamberlain Krystorf and he will call for him."
[Receive: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Original)]
If the Dain is not up...
[Give Chamberlain Krystorf: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Original)]
Chamberlain Krystorf says, "One moment the Dain has been waiting for you. I will call for him.. oh here he is now, show your shawl to him."
[Receive: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Approved)]
You say, "Hail, Dain Frostreaver IV"
Chamberlain Krystorf says, "YOU do not speak to the Dain so formally, Barbarian! Maybe you should return to our temple to learn more of proper custom when in the presence of a Dain of Thurgadin."
[Give Dain Frostreaver IV: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (either Original or Approved)]
Dain Frostweaver IV says, "Ah Verdandi. I was hoping to see you. We require your skilled hand. The Armory is overtaxed preparing armor for the war that we are preparing to wage on the Giants of Zek. We need you to help by creating some Field Plate for a mission that is near to execution. Go see Loremaster Solstrin in the Hall of Ancestors, give him these orders. He holds the lore recorded on how to make the field plate."
[Receive: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Approved) & Royal Coldain Orders]
[Give Loremaster Solstrin: Royal Coldain Orders]
Loremaster Solstrin says, "So, the Dain needs your assistance with the Field Plate. The Dain must trust you a great deal to impart the wisdom of our armor creation to you. Here are the tomes. The first details how to make the basic armor, the other details how to begin [working with gemstones]. If the Dain is asking you for them you should place them in an [Issue Kit]. May Brell guide your hand friend, good luck to you."
[Receive: Forge of Icewell Keep & Precious Gem Study]
You say, "What about working with gemstones?"
Loremaster Solstrin says, "Aye, gems are placed within the armor. Brell is pleased with this fusion of ore and gem. The combination produces a sturdy piece of armor. You will need some Etching Tools to work with the gems. If you ask Meg Tucter for a set, she should have some lying about."
You say, "What about the issue kit?"
Loremaster Solstrin says, "The Standard Issue Kit is what we issue to soldiers at the beginning of their mission. I have this empty one here. Before I give it to you, could you show me your Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl? I would like to see how skilled you are.'
[Give Loremaster Solstrin: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (either Original or Approved)]
Loremaster Solstrin says, "Amazing, your skill is truly great. I am sorry that I had doubted you. Here is the empty Issue Kit. Place a full set of Imbued Royal Velium armor in it before giving it to the Dain."
[Receive: Issue Kit & Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Approved)]
You say, "I need a set of Etching Tools"
Meg Tucter says, "Oh, really? There are not many that work in faceting gems. I am surprised to see your interest. You can have this old set of mine. There is no need to return the tools, Talem recently made me a new sturdy set. Brell bless him."
[Receive: Etching Tools]
Note: Click COMBINE on the box before handing it to the Dain!
[Give Dain Frostreaver IV: Coldain Standard Issue Kit]
Dain Frostreaver IV says, "Excellent work Verdandi. If I didn't know I would assume this was made by our most skilled artisans. You must hurry, General Bragmur has formed camp in Iceclad. Take the kit to the General, he had to drudge forward without any armor. His [mission] must be a success if we hope to successfully defend Thurgadin against the Giants."
[Receive: Approved Issue Kit & Expedition Orders]
You say, "What mission?"
Dain Frostreaver IV says, "After General Bragmur has equipped the armor you have created for him, give him these orders. He is a skilled diplomat and will need to reach the pirate Gnomes. We must enter into a pact with them. We will supply them with the velium that they need to build their silly gadgets, and they will take their ship back to Antonica and call for reinforcements from our ancestors. We hope they will accept this pact, after all Brell has been known to align himself with Bristlebane whom the Gnomes of Iceclad follow. You may be an important [factor] in their success"
You say, "What factor?"
Dain Frostreaver IV says, "I fear that spies lurk in every corner. You may need to help the General reach the gnomish camp if the Kromrif has gotten word of our efforts. You should call on any allies that you have to assist in case they ambush you. Brell bless you Verdandi, good luck."
You say, "Hail, General Bragmur"
General Bragmur says, "Please keep yer voice down I am busy here. If you do not mind I would ask that ya kindly leave."
[Give General Bragmur: Approved Issuing Box]
General Bragmur begins to put the armor, "Finally the Dain has gotten word of my arrival here. I await his final orders before proceeding."
[Give General Bragmur: Expedition Orders]
General Bragmur says, "The final orders, follow me closely! I pray that the Kromrif have not learned of our plans to align with the gnomes."
{General wanders off, waves of fighting with wolves and giants ensue....}
Commander Vjorik shouts, "The tracking wolves have found the Coldain! To the South West, Charge him!"
Commander Kvarid's corpse shouts, "Arghhhh! Though you have felled me your plans shall not succeed! Rallos will destroy you all for invading our lands!"
{...when you've successfully reached the gnomes...}
General Bragmur says, "Lo there gnomes! Tell me is your camp located nearby?"
Ratop says, "Yar ye scruvy bearded dwarf, just over tha hill there."
Ritap says, "Arrrrrrrrrrr!"
Captain Nalot says, "Hrm? Who is scuffin' around out here?"
Captain Nalot says, "Arrrrrr what is it ye want?"
General Bragmur says, "Well ya see sir, we have a surplus of Velium that we would not mind sharing with you for yer tinkerin' but would ask a favor in return for it."
Captain Nalot says, "Velium eh? Well there matey lets hear what you have got to say!"
Adisson Stubblechin says, "Arrr. Ahoy there, ya hull-faced, landlubbin', mast rats! Keep them beady eyes open! Remember, yer mean, nasty, pirates! Keep yer eyepatches square as a jig and yer rapiers sharp as a barnacle!"
General Bragmur says, "I represent the Dain in this matter, we would like for you to use yer Icebreaker there to head to Antonica and bring reinforcements for the war that is preparing to ensue. We are needin' all the help we can get against the Kromrif."
{Avatar of Below spawns.}
Avatar of Below's voice echoes through the area. "The efforts to help the Coldain and bring them together with the gnomes of Iceclad is quite impressive. There will be no doubt that they will continue to increase in power until they can overtake the Giants of Zek. Hey there, what is that on your shoulder?"
[Give Avatar of Below: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl (Approved)]
Avatar of Below holds the shawl up close to one eye to look at the rune sewn into it. He smiles to himself and then drops it to the ground and places one hand on it. A bright blue glow starts to emanate in the snow, then there is a sudden flash! The Avatar has dissipated. All that is left behind is the Shawl lying in the snow, shimmering with a new power. Verdandi slowly bends down to pick it up, and is infused with a blessing from Brell.
[Receive: Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl]
General Bragmur says, "I must go tell the Dain of these events immediately!"
Captain Nalot scratches his head, "Yar ya do that ya crazy Coldain."
The Warning - Dealing with the Dratted Dain
In order to complete this quest you must meet with the Dain. He is a popular raid target because he drops some nice equipment and quest items. This means that he is very rarely to be found alive and well. Since we need him for the quest, the coldain allow us to summon him once so that we don't have to spend ages hanging out waiting in Icewell and competing with raids when he does appear. The problem is that if you follow the quest instructions in order as they are given by the coldain, you need the Dain twice and therefore have to wait around for him the second time anyway. That's government for you.
The way it works is that there are two versions of the Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl. The first is the "Original" one you create during the seventh shawl quest, while the second is the "Approved" one that you get back upon showing the first to any of the eighth shawl quest coldain except for Loremaster Borannin. I have noted throughout the NPC text which version you can give to which coldain (of those who ask for it) and which version they will give you back. You can tell the two versions apart by holding your shawl on your cursor and having someone cast the spell Identify on you (or cast it on yourself). If it identifies as "Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl", it is the Original version. If it identifies as "Approved by the Dain", it is the Approved version.
Therefore, the way to do the quest without losing your ability to spawn the Dain is thus:
Step 1: Talk to Loremaster Borannin if you did not already at the end of the seventh.
Step 2: Craft all of the pieces of Imbued Royal Velium Armor.
Step 3: Spawn the Dain if he is not already available and get the Royal Coldain Orders.
Step 4: Immediately run to Loremaster Solstrin and get the Issue Kit.
Step 5: Immediately combine the prepared armor in the Issue Kit.
Step 6: Immediately go give the Coldain Standard Issue Kit to the Dain.
Step 7: Whenever your raid force is ready, take the Approved Issue Kit to General Bragmur in Iceclad and complete the quest with the war and ending conversation with the Avatar of Brell.
Everyone except for Loremaster Borranin and Meg Tucter are in Icewell Keep. The Chamberlain and Dain are up top in the Dain's throne room. From the entrance to the fortress take the second hallway either on the right or left and go up the stairs. That puts you on the second floor, where you will find another set of stairs right next to those that will take you up another floor. The Chamberlain stands just to the left of the Dain's throne at about 685, 8. The Dain himself wanders between his throne or his bedroom, which is through the hidden passage through the curtains behind his throne. There is no danger to going back there as long as you are not kos to either Coldain or Dain factions. You can deal with him in either place. Meg Tucter is out in Thurgadin itself. From the entrance to the Thurgadin town area, turn right and she's in the first shop on the left, the jewelery shop. Loremaster Solstrin can be found in the basement of Icewell Keep. From the front entrance to the fortress, go straight back and to the left around the ice tunnel coming down through the middle of the room. Go through the hallway in the back of the room and to the left and take the door on the left between the two Watchers. He is all the way down at the bottom at loc 782, 200.
Dain Faction: If you have gone completely through the first seven shawl quests doing all the work and receiving all of the faction hits yourself, and have never taken any additional positive or negative hits to Dain faction, you will be dubious to the Dain. That's okay, dubious will work just fine. If you're threatening or scowling, you can improve your Dain faction by getting hits off of the death of some prominent giants like King Tormax and his few closest buddies, or by completing certain quests. The hits from King Tormax are quite large while the hits from quests are relatively tiny...but are easier if you don't have access to a Tormax raid. You can try repeating the first and second shawls or the beginning of the Phenocryst Focus quest. There are numerous other possibilities, although they may be no more palatable. For more details go to the Quests Forum and run a search for "Dain faction".
Some additional Dain suggestions: If there is a large force in the zone and you have the slightest suspicion that they might nab your Dain in the time between you spawning him and running to Loremaster Solstrin and back, try to get them to agree to leave him alone while you're gone. Getting a friend to hang out and keep an eye on the Dain for you wouldn't hurt. Just don't forget to use the combine button on that issue kit before you give it to the Dain. Failure to do so will result in the Dain returning an empty issue kit to you. Ouch.
Basic Smithing Information
The most basic smithing recipe uses a flask of water, a certain size and type of ore, and maybe a mold specific to the item you wish to make. The most common kinds of ore are just plain "ore", "medium quality ore", "high quality ore", "acrylia", and "velium". Ore and medium quality ore are only available on vendors. High quality ore is available both as a drop and in limited quantities on vendors. Acrylia and velium are only available as a drop. They all can come in small pieces, which are stackable, and small bricks, large bricks, and blocks, which are not stackable. You generally need to use one of the conversion recipes to turn your raw ore into bits, sheets, or folded sheets, which then go into the recipe for whatever you wish to make. Other ores too numerous to name also drop from the Planes but are not necessary for your purposes here.
When smithing you combine your ingredients in one of the stationary forges located throughout cities and towns. (You may have heard of the infamous "never fail forge" located deep in Dalnir. It sounds too good to be true because it is. This forge will indeed never fail, but only works on the recipes for a certain quest, and cannot be used for anything else.) Simply put your ingredients into the forge and hit combine. Often when turning your raw ore into one of the prepared states (bits, rings, sheets, etc) you may get back more than one when successful, so watch for notes about a recipe's yield when buying or collecting materials. You may also sometimes need one of the several different kinds of hammers that are sold by ore vendors. When a hammer is required, you will get it back whether or not you succeed at an attempt, so they can be reused indefinitely. There are reports that the Velium Smithy Hammer or Combine Smithy Hammer can be used in place of the plain ole generic Smithy Hammer. If the recipe specifically calls for one of the specialty hammers then you must use that one, but if it only calls for a regular Smithy Hammer, you should be able to use either of the others. Please report it to the message boards if you find recipes with which this does not hold true. There are many other specialty smithing hammers that may or may not work for regular recipes, but there is no reason why you would want one of them instead of these for the shawl quest.
You have probably heard of cultural smithing. Cultural recipes are those that can only be done by a person of the right race and can only be created in one of the special forges in that person's home city. The special forges cannot be used for regular recipes or by anyone who is not of the right race. There should also be regular forges elsewhere in the city, so if the forge you're at has a special name at the top of the open container window then keep looking. See the Smithing Recipes for specifics about the various things you can smith.
What about that Etched Velium Armor stuff?
You may have seen etched velium armor for sale in the Bazaar and wondered how people turn the No Drop quest armor into something sellable. This is done by combining a piece of imbued royal velium with the etching tools from Meg Tucter in a jewelry kit to make a tradeable version of the armor. Like the no drop stuff, it has a very pretty dark blue plate look. Once a piece has been etched it can not be changed back and will be useless for the quest. See the Jewelcraft Recipes for more details.
Velium Hound Fur: Velium Hounds are found in Western Wastes. Getting sufficient fur might not be as easy as it sounds. A tracker can be invaluable here. The wolves share a spawn table with the other animals in the area so you could try killing other roaming animals. The only problem with this is that eventually all that is left are various creatures like cragwyrms that give Claws of Veeshan faction hits, so everyone leaves until the next time the zone is reset. The wolves are not on any faction so the dragons don't seem particularly concerned when they see you killing them. If you are good faction with the dragons, you can ignore most of them. Just be aware that there is one dragon near the Temple of Veeshan zone which is on the Kunark dragon Ring of Scale faction, and one in the wyvern caves which appears to be on Guardians of Veeshan faction, to which everyone is kos. If you haven't the fighting resources to collect furs yourself, you can buy them from other people but expect to pay anywhere from 300pp to 2k EACH, depending on your server.
Velium: Get yerself back to Crystal Caverns or Velketor's! Remember your old buddies the orc miners and the crystalline spiders? They miss you! Go pay them another visit. If you still have an aversion from collecting last time, you can also try the various icy-looking golems in places like Velks or the Tower of Frozen Shadow or down the pit in Icewell Keep. There are extra recipes provided in the Overview of the Recipes up above so that you can convert the different kinds of velium that drop into the large bricks and blocks that you need. There is no need for you to use all of those recipes if you have enough large bricks and blocks.
Coldain Velium Temper: You can acquire the temper you need for making folded sheets either by buying from the vendor in the Thurgadin Mining Company at 41, -111 in Thurgadin, or by brewing it yourself. It costs about 6pp each to buy, and about 6-15pp each to make, depending on whether you loot or buy your research components. Allspice can be bought from several different alchemy vendors around Norrath, including Hulda in the Thurgadin bank. Brown algae is available only from Blumblum Swigwater, one of the othmir in Cobalt Scar. Celestial solvent is only available from a few Poison Vendors. Celestial Essence can be made.
Unrefined Gems: These drop from the shimmering geonids in the Wakening Lands cave and from the wyverns in Western Wastes. They are No Drop. As far as the geonids go, only the shimmering ones drop gems. However, every single shimmering geonid drops one of the three gems, so you shouldn't have to kill the poor things for ages. Regular geonids are placeholders for the shimmering ones, so you might also have to kill some of them to get spawns. The faction hits for killing geonids are big enough that you might want to focus on wyverns if geonid faction is important to you. Alternatively, you could spend some time building up geonid faction before trying for your gems. The easiest way to do this is by repeating the beginning of the Phenocryst Focus quest. Geonids in Crystal Caverns do not drop the right gems.
As for the wyverns, the burrowing wyverns also drop a gem every time. The gems sometimes drop off of huntresses and hunters as well. Wyverns are on Claws of Veeshan faction but do not give faction hits when killed. They do summon though, so any tactics that require putting space between them and yourself are not likely to work. As with hunting velium hounds, be careful if you are near the Temple of Veeshan, as there is a dragon on Ring of Scale faction around there, or in the wyvern caves, as there is a dragon on the kos-to-everyone Guardians of Veeshan faction in there. You might want to consider targeting the wyverns when you are killing velium hounds, to collect both ingredients and help refresh the spawn table at the same time.
General Bragmur: You will find him to start the action at -3400, 8800 in Iceclad. He is a permanent fixture, not triggered by your conversation with the Dain. If you happen to catch him shortly after someone else has killed him or completed the quest, his respawn is about four hours. Your mission is to travel across Iceclad with him, fighting off special wolves and giants that will ambush you along the way. He may occasionally vanish and then reappear a short way back or ahead on the path, sometimes even returning to his spawn point, so you might find a tracker reassuring in case you can't see where the General went. The other essential crew member is someone who can Memory Blur in case someone accidentally agros him during a fight. It is possible to bring kos people along but it will cause additional hassles. You need to be sure they understand that they need to stay away from the General as much as possible, and that your chanters keep a close eye for the need to mem blur.
There is one other issue to watch for as well. When the various wolves and giants spawn, they might be placed such that they all agro on party members and none on the General. If this happens, the General will continue along on his merry way, oblivious to the sudden bloodshed. You must be prepared for this by making sure that at least someone in your party is watching the General and can keep him close until the fight is over. Your feigner and/or Memory Blur person might be good choices here. The General will keep walking as soon as the fight ends so feel free to delay him until your party has a chance to recover. He cannot be charmed in order to buff him. You also cannot agro him and run him to the end of the path without having the fights. He must walk on his own and trigger each attack in order for the Avatar of Brell to appear at the end to grant you your new shawl. The General himself is reasonably tough and should be able to hold up under attack until your tanks get a chance to pull stuff off of him. He'll be doing some damage, as well.
If anyone in your party wants to dire charm a pet giant, make sure they stay well away from the gnome camp at the end, or get rid of the pet before they get there. Both the gnomes and the Avatar of Brell himself have been known to agro on dire charmed giants and their owners, causing considerable havoc.
As you travel, you will encounter five waves of attack from the giants and their wolves, some harder than others. Three coordinated groups of 55+ are required at the very barest minimum. Remember that you will also be agroed by all the green wolves and giants and obnoxious dervishes that you encounter along the way. It might be smart to have a few folks as the designated greenie brigade to help keep them out of everyone else's hair while fighting the real attacks. Please give those nasty dervishes a whack for me while you're at it. You may also wish to walk the path ahead of time through all of the locs indicated below, so that you know where the General should be going and are prepared for each fight.
- First Wave: (-3550, 7550) 4 Kromriff Tracking Wolves spawn and attack. These cannot be charmed, snared or rooted. Stuns should work. Some reports say they're mezzable, some say they're immune. They're not terribly difficult.
- Second Wave: (-2200, 7250) 4 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. They cannot be mezzed. They hit for 178 max and should be easily dispatched.
- Third Wave: (-1100, 5950) Commander Kvarid and 3 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. They cannot be stunned, mezzed, rooted or snared. The Frost Giant Skirmishers are 55ish, and Commander Kvarid is 57.
- Fourth Wave: (1500, 2250) 5 Kromriff Tracking Wolves spawn and attack. Same rules apply as on the wolves in the first wave.
- Fifth Wave: (3700, 2650) Commander Vjorik and 5 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. Same rules apply as on the giants in the third wave.
The various wolves and giants that you will fight during this process also drop some very nice gear. Possible goodies include:
- Snowchipper: 1HS 10/20, AC 5, str/sta/dex 5, sv cold 10, 3% to parry, weight 4.0, recommended level 51, war,rog,brd,shd,pal,rng/all
- Drakkel Wolf Claws: 1H Piercing 10/20, AC 10, dex/int/cha 10, sv cold 10, hp/mana 40, weight 2.0, recommended level 51, effect: Wandering Mind, brd,rng,wiz,mag,enc,nec,bst/all
- Spiked Velium Mallet: 1HB 10/20, str/sta/dex 5, sv cold 10, 3% to block, weight 1.0, recommended level 51, effect: Frostcall, war,rog,mnk,brd,shd,pal,clr,dru,shm,rng/all
- Ice Forged Helmet: head item AC 18, str/wis/int 5, sv cold 10, hp/mana20, weight 4.0,recommended level 51, effect: Velium Shards, war,brd,shd,pal,clr,rng/all
- Tracking Wolf Collar: neck item AC 10, wis/int 5, hp/mana 40, sv cold 10, 2% to dodge, weight 1.0, recommended level 51, all/all
After the War
If you have failed the war you can still try again! However, you will need to make a new set of armor and you will not be able to summon the Dain. You can either endure a tedious camp for him to respawn, get chummy with guilds that target him and know when he'll return, or find someone starting the eighth shawl for the first time and do your turn-in when they do. He does not despawn when he sends you to the General, so he'll stick around for you when the other person is done. (Yes, when triggered he is a normal Dain spawn and has his usual loot so when spawned he can still be valuable to a raid. But if you ask me it's still pretty despicable to summon him to complete the most sacred quest of his people and then turn him over to be killed!)
If you have successfully defended the General and reach the gnome camp, you should receive your shawl as indicated in the NPC text. The Avatar of Brell is not on Dain or Coldain faction and appears to be indifferent to all.
The Shawl's Effects
It has not one but two effects: Flowing Thought III and Zephyr of Brell. Flowing Thought is found on many items in Norrath in strengths ranging from I through V. In this case it adds a constant additional mana regen of 3 points of mana per tick. Flowing Thought items all stack with each other, to a maximum total of 15 points of Flowing Thought at any given time. Zephyr of Brell, however, is unique to the shawl. It is a special 20% extended duration IV focus effect. It will extend the usual duration of any beneficial buffs of any level by 20%. This makes the shawl especially precious to those of us who cast a lot of buffs, as most other extended duration focus effects in Norrath are 15% or less. Like all focus effects on items, it stacks with the AA abilities that extend buff duration but does not stack with other extended duration focus effects.
Text of Solstrin's Books:
Forge of Icewell Keep
Royal Forge of Icewell Arms Set.12 - Royal Field Plate
The field plate of the Coldain Royal Armory is lightweight and good for any expedition where battle may occur. The following are the summarized steps of the process:
- To start you will need to first hammer out the folded sheets of velium that the armor is constructed from. Place a Block of Velium in the forge, as it become more malleable begin to hammer it flat with a Velium Smithy Hammer. When flat pour some Coldain Velium Temper onto the sheet. Fold the sheet over on top of itself and hammer it down flat once again.
- Now begin to work on the Velium Rings that will link the pieces of the armor together. To make a set of rings, places a Large Brick of Velium into the forge and heat it up a bit. Take a metal file and file off small pieces and shape them into a circular shape. Cool them in a Vial of Coldain Velium Temper to strengthen them.
- Take a break from the hot forge and prepare to fashion the Soft Fur Padding which will be placed on the inside of the armor. The fur will serve as comfort and to keep the body warm. The softest fur is found from Velium Hounds, take a patch of their fur and sew it into patterns that will fit inside the armor, use Silver Thread to accomplish this.
- The preparations are now complete. You can now begin to fashion the armor. Use a Velium Smithy Hammer to hammer the Folded Velium Sheets into a Plate Mold. Once the Sheet has been hammered into the mold, begin attaching the Velium Rings to the outer areas of the armor piece that will connect to other pieces. Then begin attaching the Soft Fur Padding to the insides of the armor piece. For creating the Bracer and Boots you will need one Folded Velium Sheet. For the Vambraces, Gauntlets, and Helmet you will need three Folded Velium Sheets. For the Breastplate, and Greaves you will need three Folded Velium Sheets to fill the mold.
Royal Forge of Icewell
Precious Gem Study v.1
Now that the armor is created you can begin to set a gem within it. We have found three gems that when faceted will seem to add an aura that radiates from the armor. It is our firm belief that Brell himself is pleased with the fusion of Ore and Mineral and bestows powers unto the armor. Three different gems are used in the process of creating this armor: Diamonds, Emeralds and Sapphires. These are not normal gems that circulate through the economy; these are gems pulled from the raw ore and faceted to draw upon its powers. To facet the unrefined gem you will first need a set of etching tools to chip away the raw edges. Place the gem firmly in your jewelry kit and slowly chip away at all sides until a nice smooth edge is formed. When you have finished with the lapidary place the piece of armor you wish to work on into your jewerly kit. Use your etching tools to form a base for the gem to fit in. Then place the gem in the base you just created and you are finally done. The optimum effect of gems has been found as the follows: Diamonds for the Breastplate and Greaves, Sapphires for the Vambraces and Bracers, and Emeralds for the Boots, Gauntlets and Helmets.
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Created: 2003-06-25 10:18:33
Last Modified By: EQTC Editor Aanuvane
Last Modified on: 2011-02-26 07:46:41
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