recipes|sources|full list
WT: 1.0 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Stackable up to 1000 NPCs sell this at 3s1c NPCs buy this at 2s9c
EQ item ID: 16580
item|sources|full list
No Recipes were found to create this item. (Check link above to see if this item is used in any recipes.)
item|recipes|full list
- This item can be Vendor Purchased:
- Abysmal Sea
- Ak'Anon
- a clockwork barkeep @ 1252, -946, -28, Bartender in the Ak'anon bar
- a clockwork brewmaster @ 1265, -924, -30, Inside the Ak'anon bar
- a clockwork merchant @ 1265, -777, -24, Near the mail quest bard
- a clockwork barkeep @ 1245, -945, -28, Bartender in the Ak'anon Bar
- Chelsith Reborn
- Cobalt Scar
- Commonlands
- Crescent Reach
- Crystal Caverns
- Dawnshroud Peaks
- East Cabilis
- East Freeport
- Sun Alemaker @ 216, 105, 49, Upstairs in Trader's Holiday
- River Alemaker @ 197, 84, 49, Upstairs in Trader's Holiday
- Jaleel Hoglomp @ 164, -783, 7, in Grub N Grog Tavern
- Drona Whystlethin @ -1083, -542, 7
- Cloud Alemaker @ 196, 79, 30, in Trader's Holiday
- Erudin
- Reko Saltamer @ 207, -5, 21, In Erudin Port Authority building next to docks
- Nerth Sailwind @ 232, 96, 21, Next to docks
- Luren Renthalis @ -1156, -61, 69, In building just to your left as you come in from Toxxulia Forest zoneline
- Reihan Wilhemson @ -906, -88, 53, Through seconnd entrance into Erudin Surplus, second building to left comfing from Toxxulia Forest zoneline
- Kisrin Breezeshadow @ 230, -5, 21, In Erudin Port Authority building next to docks.
- Erudin Palace
- Vall Stonewisp @ 590, 832, -10, In Erud City Office, bottom floor of Palace
- Judge Monosty @ 689, 829, -10, In Erud City Office, bottom floor of Palace
- Tan Monosty @ 667, 829, -10, In Erud City Office, bottom floor of Palace
- Firiona Vie
- Goru`kar Mesa
- Grobb
- Graktak @ 50, -397, 11, Inside Gunthak's Belch
- Gartonka @ 141, -307, 9, Inside Gunthak's Belch
- Gukta (in Rathe Mnts)
- Zok Crikk @ -1239, 38, 3
- Zok Seleka @ -1211, 58, 6
- Zok Lillis @ -1272, -4, 0
- Zok Sliips @ -1287, -3, 1
- Zok Gluchh @ -2015, 372, 1
- Halas
- Scon McDaniel @ 345, -347, 5, McDaniels Smokes and Spirits
- Donald McQuaid @ 93, -206, 5, McQuaids Bar and Stout.
- Brin McQuaid @ 93, -216, 5, McQuaids Bar and Stout
- Rose McDowell @ 397, 165, 5, Along the wall between the Shaman guild and the Beastlord guild
- Brandyn McDonald @ 182, -157, 5, McDonalds Fine Cider
- Becka McGuzzlin @ 198, -144, 2, McDonalds Fine Cider
- High Keep
- Highpass Hold
- Bartender @ 403, -165, 5, in Golden Roosters
- Bartender @ 393, -187, 5, in Golden Roosters
- Paulina @ -232, 7, 19, upstairs in The Lumberyard
- Bartholemew @ -212, 11, 5, in The Lumberyard
- Bartender @ -111, 466, 11, in Tiger's Roar
- Katta Castellum
- Nannette Farcloud @ 240, -1114, 10, From TM zone take first pathway on left, then next left, then next right. In Bread Breaker's Baked Goods building also has a sign of a sword and shield resting on a chair beside the door.
- Gaerok Rednose @ 240, -1369, 10, From TM zone take first pathway on left, then next left, then next right. In Bread Breaker's Baked Goods building also has a sign of a sword and shield resting on a chair beside the door.
- Kelethin (in Greater Faydark)
- Merchant Aluuvila @ -94, 224, 79, Inside Packwearers Goods (EQAtlas platform #14-lower)
- Barkeep Sissya @ -564, -558, 163, Inside Tavern (EQAtlas platform #24)
- Barkeep Syntan @ 881, 93, 79, Inside Tavern (EQAtlas platform #4)
- Barkeep Tvanla @ -515, -550, 161, Inside tavern (EQAtlas platform #24)
- Barkeep Myrisa @ 394, 677, 119, Inside Tavern (EQAtlas platform #7)
- Merchant Aildien @ -496, -133, 79, South of EQAtlas platform #18
- Barkeep Tuviena @ 132, 822, 79, Inside Tavern connected to EQAtlas platform #10
- Barkeep Lysslan @ 123, 805, 79, Inside Tavern connected to EQAtlas platform #10
- Barkeep Manlawen @ 322, 542, 79, In Heartwood Tavern (EQAtlas platform #9)
- Barkeep Uulianu @ 286, 520, 79, In Heartwood Tavern (EQAtlas platform #9)
- Merchant Tilluen @ -85, 271, 79, Inside Packwearers Goods (EQAtlas platform #14-lower)
- Kerra Isle
- Raarrk @ 108, 131, 4, bar, near docks
- Kithicor Forest
- Lake Rathetear
- Srynda @ -507, 637, 54, Gypsy camp along southern shore.
- Nektulos Forest
- Neriak - 3rd Gate
- Neriak - Commons
- Rista S`lon @ -152, -1011, -22, Upstairs in Toadstool
- Lysanda S`Kor @ 40, -1218, -8, Above warriors' guild and arena
- Tenso H`Rugla @ -153, -1042, -36, Inside Toadstool
- Frivsa Punox @ 35, -1238, 5, Above warriors' guild and arena
- Svlis C`Luzz @ -90, -1239, 5, Warriors' Guild
- Myrva N`Tan @ -97, -1218, -8, Warriors' Guild
- Rysva To`Biath @ 11, -848, -64, In The Blind Fish, Neriak Down Under
- Marenkor To`Biath @ 9, -837, -52, In The Blind Fish, Neriak Down Under
- Neriak - Foreign Quarter
- Wiska @ 159, -104, 17, Upstairs balcony of The Smugglers Inn
- Tala Felton @ 136, -98, 19, Upstairs balcony of The Smugglers Inn
- Darien Felton @ 136, -93, 5, The Smugglers Inn
- Sera Buelle @ 209, -272, 33, Upstairs in Slugs Tavern
- Palais Derekor @ 206, -111, 5, The Smugglers Inn
- Yala Thiss @ 213, -261, 5, Inside Slugs Tavern. Not stationary
- Uawn Betell @ 246, -227, 19
- Slunga @ -336, -194, 5, Near arena
- Tanai Tanbor @ 215, -242, 33, Upstairs in Slugs Tavern
- Damar Nislan @ 177, -196, 19, Slugs Tavern
- Neriak Fourth Gate
- North Karana
- North Qeynos
- Sabnie Blagard @ 82, 368, 5, Inside Crow's Pub & Casino; wanders around a bit
- Ania Klephia @ 115, 359, 5, Inside Crow's Pub & Casino
- Northern Desert of Ro
- Northern Felwithe
- Merchant Issynal @ 147, -412, 19, Upstairs, Shop of All Holos
- Tyle Songwhisper @ 76, -368, 5, Inside Tovaniks Venom
- Feraniel Leafsway @ 80, -346, 2, Inside Tovaniks Venom
- Wela Muselender @ 102, -343, 5, Inside Tovaniks Venom
- Oggok
- Paineel
- Lolenton @ 950, 836, -80
- Loleluz @ 949, 822, -80
- Gernatis @ 944, 848, -80
- Taralani Rahnta @ 934, 805, -80, In Shackled Spirits Tavern & Inn down hallway to the right of (while facing) 2nd portal in main city portion of Paineel.
- Archenm @ 945, 829, -80
- Plane of Knowledge
- Bargol Halith @ 82, 235, -125, Eastern trader building
- Lorekeeper Blaimas @ 942, 198, -156
- Brewmaster Berina @ -320, 984, Behind small bank
- Sirekoth Eshe @ 103, 275, -126, Eastern trader building
- Basur Tu'Qual @ 103, 250, -125, Eastern trader building
- Old Man Thorren @ -170, -258, -153
- Rathe Mountains (see also Gukta)
- Roshmael @ 1592, -888, 3, Gypsy camp in northeastern section. Other gypsies in camp KoS to Ogres
- Rivervale
- Burtle Barrelbelly @ -37, -174, 14, 2nd floor of Fool's Gold
- Flyndia Deeppockets @ -49, -207, 3, In Fool's Gold
- bag merchant @ 208, -214, 3, Across river from dock
- Mac Deeppockets @ -64, -188, 3
- Runnyeye Citadel
- Sanctus Seru
- Filtin Meran @ -919, -1491, 59
- Jaeger Mort @ -920, 1028, 59
- Miklos Tiost @ -721, 1029, 59
- Mallon Fraz @ 826, 277, 59
- Top McCallto @ 827, -529, 59
- Fylin Cyups @ 824, -637, 59
- Gaif Dula @ -841, -1486, 59
- Shadow Haven
- Lesia Furthers @ 157, 330, -28
- Bilkel Biddinight @ 195, 907, -55
- Keiya Oakwood @ 13, 846, -55, In the Casino
- Nayda Winterwind @ -15, 919, -76, In the Casino
- Falina Silinilak @ -386, 1628, -58, Tent merchant near The Lost Turnip
- Lander Furthers @ 167, 327, -27
- Shar Vahl
- Arrin Murij @ 308, -324, -187, Inside middle northern building in Merchant's Quarter (bags, barrels, and boxes on sign)
- Brewer Mikkis @ -192, -171, -187, Inside Jakhal and Kahala's Brewery (southwestern building in Merchant's Quarter)
- Brewmaster Hizier @ -211, -234, -187, Inside Jakhal and Kahala's Brewery (southwestern building in Merchant's Quarter)
- Kojik @ -497, 37, -189, Outside middle building (barracks) of South Quarter
- Skyshrine
- South Kaladim
- Dura Darkfoam @ 99, 236, 4, inside Pub Kal.
- Hanamaf Darkfoam @ 89, 229, 4, inside Pub Kal.
- Aarina Ratsbone @ 183, -138, 4
- Tumpy Irontoe @ 178, 313, 4, inside Irontoe's Eats
- South Qeynos
- Bassanio Weekin @ -40, -219, 5, Tent merchant outside the arena; not stationary
- Tasya Huntlan @ 259, -69, 3, Inside Lion's Mane Inn
- Sunsa Jocub @ -305, -276, 5, Inside Fish's Ale
- Raheim Varshen @ 543, -263, 3, Inside Bag n Barrel
- Nug Rellash @ 256, -170, 3, Inside Lion's Mane Tavern
- Gahna Salbeen @ 5, -220, 5, Tent merchant outside the arena; not stationary
- Sissy Huntlan @ 231, -129, 3, Inside Lion's Mane Inn
- Fish Ranamer @ -292, -269, 3, Inside Fish's Ale
- Rucio Divella @ 330, -507, 3
- Fellesha Varshen @ 487, -310, 3, Inside Bag n Barrel
- Earron Huntlan @ 254, -191, 3, Inside Lion's Mane Tavern
- Southern Desert of Ro
- Synthan @ 4676, -1892, 26, at gypsy camp
- Innkeep Tizzy @ 3152, -1517, 37, Inn near the Oasis of Marr, near the center of the zone
- The Overthere
- The Overthere [RoS]
- Thurgadin
- Adia Coldbeard @ -57, 107, 3, Inside The Icy Mug
- Bixx Bartleby @ 45, -380, 3, Inside The Velium Keg
- Klarp Bartleby @ 61, -380, 3, Inside The Velium Keg
- Celtir Gronback @ 119, -406, -2, Inside The Velium Keg, back wall
- Karey @ -38, 84, 3
- Loremaster Fronden @ -395, 452, -20, Inside The Holy Harbinger
- Durgan Bottlenip @ -329, -28, -11, Basement of The Broken Glacier
- Fogerty Bottlenip @ -311, -27, -11, Basement of The Broken Glacier
- Doogle McBanick @ -56, -311, 3, Inside Doogle's Drinks
- Agar @ -72, -379, 3, Inside Agar's Adventurin' Supplies
- Timorous Deep
- Portik Grolam @ -11592, -2275, 76, at Inn in Faydedar's secret cove
- Micus Vloren @ -5195, -4335, 6, at Elven Outpost, first stop of the Maiden's Voyage from Firiona Vie
- Toxxulia Forest
- West Freeport
- Wahe Oopi @ 1388, -1753, -197, in the Temple of Marr by the pool
- Quanarn Dereus @ 1474, -1752, -197
- Etomuno Imihao @ 1483, -1617, -131, in Temple of Marr to left as you enter, in room with Amata
- Lynda Tapper @ 300, -940, -112
- Swin Blackeye @ 113, -651, -87, in Hogcallers' Inn
- Shania Tassel @ -192, -367, -87, in Tassel's Tavern
- Krystin Charcoal @ 302, -1625, -112
- Judicla Riverfield @ -191, -359, -87, in Tassel's Tavern
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